What is the average age of a human being?

Life expectancy for men and women A male child born today in the United States will live to 74.5 years old on average. This places male citizens of the United States 53rd in this ranking. On average, American women are 5 to 7 years older and live to their 80s. Life expectancy statistics are based on the average years remaining at a given age.

life expectancy is the average number of years expected to live for a person since birth. Our life statistics chart shows how long men and women can expect to live in various countries. Age (in years from birth to death). The oldest confirmed age for any human being born is 122 years old; although some people are reported to have lived longer, there are no records to confirm these claims.

Our graph (below) shows statistics on the average age you'll live at based on several countries around the world. Until the middle of the 20th century, infant mortality was approximately 40 to 60% of total mortality. Excluding infant mortality, the average life expectancy during the 12th and 19th centuries was approximately 55 years. If a person survived infancy, they had an approximately 50% chance of living to 50 to 55 years, instead of just 25 to 40 years.

Unless specified, all U.S. life expectancy figures listed on this page are “at birth” as standard. This is known as the maximum length of life, which is the upper limit of life, the maximum number of years that any human being is known to have lived. The starting point for calculating life expectancy is the mortality rates by age of members of the population.

Life expectancy increases with age as an individual survives the higher mortality rates associated with childhood. The longest verified life expectancy for a human being is that of the French Jeanne Calment, who has been proven to live to 122 years and 164 days between February 21, 1875 and August 4, 1997.However, for some purposes, such as pension calculations, it is common to adjust the life table used assuming that mortality rates by age will continue to decline over the years, as they have normally done in the past. We see an increase in deaths from obesity, substance abuse and desperation; in fact, the country's decline in emotional well-being has been enough to reduce the average length of life in the United States. Although the required data is easily identified in the case of humans, the calculation of the life expectancy of industrial products and wild animals involves more indirect techniques.

Therefore, these life expectancy figures must be adjusted to temporal trends before calculating how long a person of a given age is expected to live today. The climate also affects how old you'll live to be, and the way in which data is collected can also have an important influence. Hawks criticizes the popular combination of life expectancy (life expectancy) and maximum life expectancy when popular science writers falsely imply that the average adult human lives no longer than their ancestors. While the average life expectancy (the number of years a person can expect to live) is relatively easy to calculate, estimates of the maximum length of life (the maximum age a human being can reach) are much more difficult to make.

Christine Febles
Christine Febles

Extreme thinker. Infuriatingly humble tv guru. Incurable coffee ninja. Award-winning pop cultureaholic. Evil zombie fan. Freelance social media geek.