What is the average age of a person today?

Life expectancy for men and women A male child born today in the United States will live to 74.5 years old on average. This places male citizens of the United States 53rd in this ranking. On average, American women are 5 to 7 years older and live to their 80s. Life expectancy statistics are based on the average years remaining at a given age.

life expectancy is the average number of years expected to live for a person since birth. Our life statistics chart shows how long men and women can expect to live in various countries. Age (in years from birth to death). The oldest confirmed age for any human being born is 122 years old; although some people are reported to have lived longer, there are no records to confirm these claims.

Our graph (below) shows statistics on the average age you'll live at based on several countries around the world. The average age of a country is related to its life expectancy, which also tends to be higher in rich and developed countries and lower in the poorest and most developing countries. We see an increase in deaths from obesity, substance abuse and desperation; in fact, the country's decline in emotional well-being has been enough to reduce the average length of life in the United States. The average life expectancy at birth figures in the U.S.

The United States are the most up-to-date available from the OECD, CIA and CDC. Monaco may not have an army, but it has the highest average age in the world, at 55.4 years (53.7 years for men and 57.0 years for women). Life expectancy in many of the richest areas is currently, on average, ten years longer than in the poorest areas, and today, the gap seems to be widening as the life expectancy of the richest continues to increase. The African country of Niger has the lowest median age in the world, at just 14.8 years (14.5 years for men and 15.1 for women), but many of its neighbors, including Uganda, Angola, Chad and Mali, are far behind.

In essence, obesity is the main factor in the reduction of the average length of life in the United States due to its intertwined relationship with major mortality problems. Montana (40), New Hampshire (43) and West Virginia (42) were the only states that had no change in median age. Unless specified, all U.S. life expectancy figures listed on this page are “at birth” as standard.

In fact, there are 18 countries where residents can expect to live 3 more years and 25 countries with an average life expectancy greater than 80 years. Six counties had a median age greater than or equal to 60 years: Sumter County, Florida (68); Kalawao County, Hawaii (65); Catron County, New Mexico (61); Harding County, New Mexico (60); Charlotte County, Florida (60); and Jeff Davis County, Texas (60). The main areas of change came from age-adjusted mortality rates in cases of suicide, unintentional injury, diabetes and pneumonia, and influenza.

Christine Febles
Christine Febles

Extreme thinker. Infuriatingly humble tv guru. Incurable coffee ninja. Award-winning pop cultureaholic. Evil zombie fan. Freelance social media geek.