What is the difference between life expectancy and health adjusted life expectancy?

Adjusted Health Expectancy (HALE) Adjust your overall life expectancy based on the amount of time you've lived in less than perfect health. This is calculated by subtracting from life expectancy a figure that is the number of years lived with a disability multiplied by a weighting to represent the effect of disability. It would also be important to note that some of these factors that are commonly considered confounding factors are part of the causal network surrounding behavior, BMI and health, and a strategic approach that considers the possible mechanisms that support observed relationships should take this into account. Researchers from the Social Science Research Council suspect that the countries most affected by COVID-19 could see a temporary decrease in overall life expectancy similar to the fall observed after the 1918 pandemic flu.

In addition, GBD data have good comparability between countries and are suitable for global health studies. Adjusted life expectancy (HALE) is the average number of years a person can expect to live in full health, that is, without being hampered by disabling diseases or injuries. The results of the difference between LE and HALE for 20-year-old Canadians (the last two rows of the table) show the cumulative average amount of time spent in less than optimal health, both in terms of absolute number of years and as a proportion of remaining life expectancy. One approach that can help assess the health of a population according to the body weight category is the estimation of health expectancy using the body mass index (BMI).

The results of this study may not reflect estimates of health expectancy based on BMI calculated using measured height and weight. Effective public health policies dedicated to preventing or controlling various health conditions result in an improvement in overall quality of life and an increase in HALE. We use data from the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) to estimate mortality attributable to body weight, data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) to estimate the prevalence of BMI and HRV, and data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) to estimate total mortality rates. Respondents are members of the general population, and not health professionals, and their assessments of the severity of health conditions are subjective.

The HUI is a preference-based measure that defines health states according to eight attributes (vision, hearing, speech, walking, dexterity, emotion, cognition and pain), with five or six levels ranging from normal functioning to very limited for each one. Both the NPHS and the CCHS are run by Statistics Canada and are designed to collect information on the health and determinants of health of the Canadian population. The Z tests were used to assess the statistical significance of the differences in LE and HALE between BMI categories. The objective of this study was to address the above-mentioned gaps by exploring the differences in LE and HALE for each of the World Health Organization's BMI categories, including two subclasses of obesity (class 1 and class 2+), using a representative sample of the adult Canadian population aged 20 and over.

Christine Febles
Christine Febles

Extreme thinker. Infuriatingly humble tv guru. Incurable coffee ninja. Award-winning pop cultureaholic. Evil zombie fan. Freelance social media geek.